Friday, May 27, 2011

Story Update Again

Newly updated the story, including a title change, something perhaps a bit less hokey.  It's now called Conflict, and includes the short story Beginning.  I have also included "History" sections on each chapter that explains the background a bit of what's going on in the main stories both historically and what was involved in the writing of the story.  You can read it if you haven't found it yet by clicking "Conflict" right above this post.  Cheers!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Story Update

Just updated "Snapshots" (I know, woohoo right? Only been a whole half hour!) Well just couldn't stand letting a product sit on the shelf without letting it out there for the audience enjoy.

New Launch

Hello one and all, and welcome to the Mind of Kleinnak, my sort of sounding board for my works of fiction (short stories, etc) and where I hope to begin to launch my "web-novel" in the near future.  Please visit and enjoy, the first piece that's up is "Letters" under the page "Snapshots", which I hope to compile into a collection of short stories in the near future as well.