Thursday, September 14, 2017

Huzzah! Chapter 2!

Good tidings, one and all. Just updated Noble Monsters with Chapter 2!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Return to our regularly scheduled programming! Here comes Noble Monsters!

Hello everyone! After years of honing my craft at writing fanfiction, I'm finally ready to return to my more normal projects. I've re-purposed Cain and Lucifer, and it's now called Noble Monsters. It's a low-fantasy, dark (borderline horror...) series, set in contemporary times. So far only the prologue is finished. It features several main PoV characters, and will be three books at minimum, but probably more.

This is definitely a story for mature readers. A hard R if it were a film. So people more familiar with my YA fanfiction... you've been warned!